Base Service Range - 20 miles

Our quoted prices apply within a 20 mile driving range of the map center of Amesbury MA as found on the Google Maps page.

To find out if you are within that range, click on the Google Maps link above, and do the following:

The resulting page will show "DRIVING DIRECTIONS TO AMESBURY, MA" on the left just below the GET DIRECTIONS button, and will list the driving distance in miles, and approximate drive-time.

If that listed driving distance is 20 miles or less, our current quoted rates apply.

If that distance is greater than 20 miles, a $1 per mile* above 20 miles fuel and time surcharge will be added to the quoted service fee.

For example, if the driving distance is listed as 34.3 miles, that's 14 miles (rounded) above the 20 mile operating radius, so a $14 surcharge ($1 x 14 miles) will be added to the quoted service fee.


* - A $1 per mile surcharge is used based on a standard vehicle use reimbursement rate of 50 cents per mile, with each mile of distance being covered twice - once going to, and once returning from.